Lagoons & Volcanoes Chile – Bolivia

Lagoons & Volcanoes Chile – Bolivia

Lagoons & Volcanoes Chile – Bolivia



16D / 15N

Tipo de tour


Altitud del tour

6342 M

Tamaño de grupo

2 a 10 personas.


Tour Program


Day 01
Arrival to Calama, trasfer to San Pedro de Atacama
Pick you up at the airport pick and transfer to San Pedro de Atacama. We will begin our excursion visiting the enormous enormous geologic formation, which are located in one of the most barren zones of the planet. It is an area of great beauty that resembles the mole landscape by the stone formation, petrified salt and sand, that during millenia, floods and winds have molded to its way. Surprise yourself with the enormous figures of salt and clay constructed with the pass of the years and the wind, we will have the opportunity to know "Las tres Marias" figures with unique beauty that can be photographed and contemplated by a long time. Finally we will visit the wonderful caverns of the salt accompanied by the imposing Licancabur volcano, once again to be surprised by the great magic of the desert, specially of the valley in where we will have the opportunity to enjoy the most beautiful sunset that our eyes never will be able to forget.
Day 02
Geiser del Tatio - Machuca
Geysers del Tatio is a geothermal field located in the Andes mountain range. The fumaroles of these geysers, the highest of the world (4,300 mts), are produced by the high temperatures of their watery craters and offer a unique spectacle of the Chilean desert. We begin our very early excursion to arrive at the heights of the Andes mountain range surrounded by great mountains with a evening that allows to observe great steam fumaroles and burning mud craters, originating of the entrails of the Earth, product of underground hot water rivers that generate El Tatio volcano. Later we will participate in one of the greater and more spectacular phenomenos than the nature offers us; a full scene of colors with special beauty that is produced by the great amount of steam which the geysers have. We will have time to obtain one of the most valuable photographies when crossing freely the geothermal fields of the place. Ending the day we will have the opportunity to take a reconfortant bath from thermal and mineral waters that El Tatio offers. We will undertake our return bordering the spectacular Andes mountain range admiring the great amount of animals and typical plants of the altiplano.
Day 03
Volcan Lascar (5592m)
Partenza da San Pedro per raggiungere le pendici del volcano Lascar uno dei più attivi del Cile – occorrono circa 3 ore di trasferimento su strada in altitudine e off road passando dallaLaguna Lejia Il fuoristrada ci porterà sino al punto di partenza della salita ( circa 4900 metri di quota) che segue un sentiero ben visibile e definito che conduce direttamente al bordo del gigantesco cratere. Le esalazioni spesso sono però molto forti e l’aria si fa molto rarefatta. Il percorso non ha particolari difficoltà tecniche ma il sentiero è piuttosto sassoso Il dislivello dell’ascesa é di circa 700 mt; percorribile in circa 3-4 ore.
Day 04
Salar de Atacama, Laguna Chaxa, Toconao, Lagunas Altiplanicas
At the south of San Pedro is the entry to the center of the impressive Salar de Atacama Salt Lake. Allowing in the way to appreciate the view of Licancabur and Lascar volcanoes among others, then knwoing the town of Toconao and continue up to the salt lake, reaching the Chaxa lagoon inhabited by flamingoes.
Day 05
Transfer a Hitocajones
We will leave San Pedro de Atacama in a vehicle the first day towards the border with Bolivia, in a 2 hours trip. Once we cross the border, we will see the Blanca Lagoon and also the Verde Lagoon. We will eat something and make a trek around the lagoons, and after that we will return to the camp in Hitocajones to have dinner and rest.
Day 06
Summit Volcan Licancabur (5920 mt)
At 4:00 am, before dawn and after breakfast, we will begin our ascent that will take between 6 and 7 hours, to the crater's border, located at 5,900 meters high. We will have the opportunity to see the sunrise that will give us the best images of the day for sure. Also we will be surprised up there when we see a beautiful half hectare lagoon inside the crater, considered the world's fifth highest lagoon. Our descent lasts 3 to 4 hours to the camp.
Day 07
Laguna Blanca – Laguna Verde – Aguas Calientes (Polques) Laguna Colorada – Quetena
Crossing the Dalí Valley and the Thermal Waters of Chalviri, we will arrive to the Sol de Mañana Geysers to watch the stunning colors of the hot mud. We will follow the way to the Laguna Colorada (Red Lagoon) enjoying an excursion throughout the surrounding of this lagoon where we will be able to watch the famous James Flamencos (flamingos), unique of this specie in the world. Moreover, we will see the change of colors in the lagoon, getting its characteristic red color that gives it its name. We will continue to the Quetena.
Day 08
Quetena – summit Volcan Uturuncu (6008 mt)
Departure in the morning from the village of Quetena to drive to the active volcano Uturuncu (“jaguar” in Quechua). We will follow one of the highest drivable tracks in the world, an old mining road, at 5700 meters above sea level. Depending on the snow level, the vehicle might drop us at about 5000 m.a.s.l. From there, we will start the climb following the dirt track to its end. A last effort will take us to the summit. Return to Quetena at the end of the day.
Day 09
Quetena – Desierto de siloli – san Juan
Return to the Laguna Colorada. The intense red-brick color of this lagoon is due to the light sensitive phytoplancton present in its water. The track continues on through the superb landscape of the Siloli Desert and its famous “árbol de piedra” where we can often spot viscachas. From here we go north along the Chilean border on the scenic “route of the Jewels” which name is due to all the lagoons along the way: lagunas Honda, Ch’arkota, Hedionda, Cañapa, sanctuary to 3 varieties of flamingoes. We will stop at the mirador of the volcano Ollague. This volcano is still active and shelters one of the world’s highest open pit copper mines. The track then descends from 4200 to 3600 meters of altitude. We will cross the small Salar de Chiguana at the base of the volcano Tomasamil (el. 5900 m.), before reaching the village of San Juan, where are kept the famous mummies of the “lords of Lipez” (1200 A.D.) and a little museum
Day 10
San Juan - isla pescado – Coqueza - Jirira
A 2-hour trip from San Juan will take us to the Salar de Uyuni (el. 3650 m.), the largest salt desert in the world. The atmosphere there is very special: the horizon seems to not have any limits and the immensity is overwhelming. We will head north to the Incahuasi island. This volcanic island is covered with stromatolites (fossilized bacteria representing the first traces of life on earth) and giant cacti. In the afternoon we will cross the Salar to reach its Northern extremity, at the base of the volcano Tunupa. Stop in Coquesa, a small village on the shores of the salar, known for its Chipaya mummies, before arriving in Jirira.
Day 11
Mirador Tunupa (m. 5.446) – Jijira.
Early morning start for the ascent of the volcano dominating the Salar. Exceptional view from the mirador (el. 4700 m.) which can reached in 3 to 4 hours. The summit (el. 5400 m.) cannot be attempted, the ascent becoming too dangerous after the mirador (rock cliffs on the way). Return to Jirira in the afternoon.
Day 12
Coqueza – Pueblo Sajama
Continue to Pueblo Sajama. We will arrive at the Coipaza salar where we will make a stop at the village of Chipaya. The day is dedicated to the discovery of the Andean plateau and its villages. We will then continue to Sajama National Park considered one of the most beautiful parks in South America thanks to the very high peaks that exceed 6000 meters: Sajama, Pomerape, Parinacota, Acotango.
Day 13
Pueblo Sajama – Base Camp Acotango
We will head south to enter the Urus country by sandy and treacherous dirt roads. After crossing the Río Lauca, some polychromatic chullpas, the most beautiful of Bolivia (chullpas were tombs of the Aymara kings; pre-Inca era) will appear. We can take the opportunity to visit this site between lagoons and volcanoes. We will get back to our vehicle after lunch. The road climbs the side of the volcano Acotango, up to an abandoned sulfur mine at 4800 m. We will continue on a rocky track until the camp.
Day 14
Base Camp - Summit Acotango 6052m – Pueblo Sajama
Start at around 2:00 to 3:00 a.m. We will follow the arete by a steep rocky trail, before reaching the snow line. We will rope up there to reach the crater. But the top will be on the other side of the crater which we will walk around (6 to 7-hour hike). The view from the top is just amzing; with the most beautiful volcanoes of the Cordillera Occidental around us: volcano Guallatiri, active and blowing sulfuric fumes, Parinacota, Pomerape and Sajama while shimmer on the Chilean side, the turquoise lagoons of Cota-Cotani and Chungara. Return to the village of Sajama in the afternoon. Total walking time: 8/10 hours.
Day 15
Summit Paricacota (m. 6.342).
Early start for a tentative ascent to the summit. There are no technical difficulty but a specific equipment is required (ropes / crampons / ice axe). 6 to 8-hour return, depending on the weather condition and fitness of each participant. From the base camp, we will arrive with the porters to the vehicle in Inkamarka after 45 minutes waking. Descent to the village of Sajama by 4WD for a well-deserved bath in the local hot springs.
Day 16
Pueblo Sajama La Paz

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