15D / 14N
Tipo de tour
Mountain bike
Altitud del tour
4890 M
Tamaño de grupo
2 a 10 personas.
This Mountainbike-Roundtrip through the Andes is a memorable experience. Up and down through Andean valleys with spectacular mountains, a population with roots of a thousand years, arrive at a 4890 m pass and descent all the way down to the Pacific. You can experience all these fantastic things in Peru.
In Marcará, a village that can be reached from Huaraz in 30 minutes per taxi, is the location of the headquarter of our company, the “Centro de Andinismo Casarotto”.
The tour:
This tour can only be started after an acclimatisation period of 3-4 days as we will be on an altitude of more than 3,000 meters (queda por discutir: en todo el documento para la clientes norte americanos indicar las unidades de medida americano (feet por altitud, miles por distancia)?) The acclimatisation will take place in the surroundings of our headquarter in a unique and beautiful area.
If you have questions, or want to modify the itinerary, or need more information. Please contact us.
If you have questions, or want to modify the itinerary, or need more information. Please contact us.
If you have questions, or want to modify the itinerary, or need more information. Please contact us.
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